In 2008, the Constance internist Dr med. Werner Konrad Siegert decided to set up a foundation to purchase, restore and study relevant art objects of regional history for the Rosgarten Museum. Furthermore, the foundation was to award an advancement prize to young artists from the German Lake Constance area.



In 2009, the time had come: In cooperation with his then bank advisor Volker Wieland, the Constance museum director Dr Tobias Engelsing, and foundation expert Christoph Beuter, the foundation charter was drafted, and the foundation was registered at the Freiburg Government Headquarters. Ever since, the executive board, with the endowment capital yields, has been purchasing important art objects, such as paintings, graphic works, objects of popular art and history. Over the last years, several graduate students of communication design at the Constance University of Applied Sciences (HTWG) were awarded the advancement prize.


Endowments are possible

In 2017, a considerable endowment from the assets of a medical doctor and his wife was left to the foundation capital. In December 2018, founder Dr Siegert passed away at the age of almost 85. In his will, he made the Siegert foundation the sole heir of his assets. Endowments to his legally independent foundation are sill possible. New founder names can be assigned here, in order to identify new foundation aims, for instance.


Executive board and current activities

The Siegert foundation is now being conducted by business administration graduate (BA) and banker Volker Wieland from Karlsruhe as chairman, museum director Dr Tobias Engelsing as vice-chair as well as jurist and foundation expert Christoph Beuter. The foundation constantly purchases important art objects as well as objects of the history of Lake Constance. It receives them and promotes their study. Every year, the foundation awards the advancement prize to young artists.



Siegert Stiftung / Siegert Foundation

c/o Rosgartenmuseum Konstanz, Sigismundstr. 2 a, 78462 Konstanz

Phone: 07531 / 900-2246
